Landscaping & Sites

Selinunte, the village of columns

Selinunte was first excavated in the early 19th-century. When Rahl' al'Asnam arrived here named Selinunte as the village of columns..

When he came to Selinunte in the 12th-century,

the Arab chronicler al-Idrisi called this site Rahl’ al’Asnam,

a village of columns.

One of the most important archaeological sites in the Mediterranean,

ancient Selinus,

founded in 650 BC by Greek settlers from Megara Hyblaea,

Situated in the low hills overlooking the South coast of Sicily,

on the left bank of the river Modione.

These are the ruins of the most powerful Greek city on the island.

Selinunte was first excavated in the early 19th-century by Fagan,

who was British Consul General in Palermo at the time.


as they did 2,600 years ago,

the huge Doric temple dominate the sea from the heights of the acropolis,

or citadel,

now part of a huge archaeological park with an area of 2,700 hectares.

Our visit includes the eastern temples,

the acropolis, and the ancient city.

Eastern temple

Once possibly enclosed within a single immense wall,

the eastern temples are a testimonial of the city’s wealth and importance in the 6th-century BC.

The colossal Temple G,

dedicated to Zeus,

and probably the large ever built in ancient times.

It was destroyed when was still under construction

by the Carthaginians.

Temple F

Is the smallest and the least well-preserved of the three

temples on this side of Selinunte.

Temple E

Reconstructed in the mid 1950s,

towers majestically over the landscape of Selinunte.

was dedicated to Hera,

in a pure Doric style, it dates back to the 5th-century BC.

The Acropolis

On a terrace of irregular shape, the citadel rises up

sloping down slightly towards the sea,

and was widened to the north east with buildings

supported and enclosed by a massive stepped

defensive walls.

The acropolis contains the ruins of different public buildings or

or houses associated with cult worship.

and five temples,

with their main facade facing east,

as was the custom.